How can your Practice Improve Care for your Patients with Alzheimer’s and Dementia?
Primary care professionals play a pivotal role in diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD) and recommending lifestyle changes to help their patients to reduce their risk for dementia.
This informational and interactive eLearning module is designed for primary care teams to increase their knowledge and skills related to ADRD. The module discusses risk factors for ADRD, risk reduction strategies, evidence-based practices for culturally sensitive ADRD care, identifying a care partner, and using a team approach to ADRD care.
We invite primary care clinicians and teams to access this eLearning module to learn strategies to address dementia risk factors, support early diagnosis of dementia, and implement care planning and care partner support. The module is free for all learners and completers of the module will receive 2 AAFP CME credits.
To access the module please scan the QR code or go to: https://cuelearning.org/
Click the Register link to create an account. For Registration Code, please enter: ADRD (not case sensitive).